Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our First Summer Camp ..... Going Well ... Lots of Smiles!

Trip to the York County Museum   
We found, as the school year was coming to an end, that neither the staff, volunteers, or kids were quite ready for the Youth Source's Free After School Program to end.  There was so much more to share ... so much more to learn ... so many tiny steps to our goals for these children yet to take.  So we quickly adapted and organized a Youth Source Summer Day Camp program to take the kids over the summer months.  Unfortunately, we aren't able to offer the camp free of charge, but we did the very best we could to find free or low-cost activities to keep the expenses down and give as many children as possible a chance to participate.

The Day Camp Program is engineered to open little minds to new things .... educational things, physical fitness, fun events, creative opportunities ... the kind of variety and experiences that make children want to learn as they head back to school in the fall.  They're visiting the York County Library and taking advantage of the children's programs being offered there for the summer.  They're doing craft projects. They're having play time and picnic lunches at Confederate Park courtesy of the Summer Free Lunch Program in Rock Hill.  They're visiting  museums and playing tennis .... all things kids love to do!  

If you operate a business or event that offers free or low admission to children, please let us know .... if we don't have a spot to fit you in this summer, we'll certainly keep the information on file for next year's program.


Telephone Museum, Rock Hill


Tennis Lessons at Rock Hill Tennis Club

Monday, June 24, 2013

Trina Ricks Named Official Executive Director!

Trina Ricks, Executive Director
We know we need to post more .... we really do ...... but this has been a very busy year at The Youth Source.  In the past six months, we've moved, we've brought in new volunteers, we've added some Board members, we started a FREE After School Program to help kids stay focused on their studies and homework, and now we're in the midst of our brand new 2013 Summer Camp Program!  And we accomplished all this (miraculously) without benefit of an official Director.

Well, that's changed too ..... The Youth Source Board voted June 10, 2013 to make Mrs. Trina Ricks the official Executive Director of The Youth Source.  Trina has been acting as both Interim Director and Interim Board Chairperson for better than one year, and has earned the trust and admiration of all who have worked with her in that capacity.   With reorganization of this youth-oriented non-profit just about completed, the Board of Directors recognized that it was time to turn over the reins of the everyday work of the organization to a formal Director to administer the organization's growing list of programs and clients. 

We thank Trina for all she has done to bring people together to work toward making our new direction a reality, and look forward to great things from her in the future.

This leaves the position of Board Chairman vacant, but it will hopefully soon be filled by vote from the Board members.